The Lot

3 days and a different discipline each day. Swim on the Friday, Ride on the Saturday and Run on the Sunday.
‘The Lot’ is the three day triathlon.

Have you ever thought, I’d love to attempt an Iron distance race but my knee is just too dodgy to get through the marathon? Have you ever thought I love the longer races but I just don’t have the time to train the distance for all three disciplines? Have you ever thought I reckon I could do a half Iron distance event but not all on the same day? If these are some of your thoughts then we have a solution for you.

SBR Weekend gives participant control over what they want to do! Who are we to tell you how far you should swim, ride or run? For example, if you are a strong swimmer/rider and a weaker runner you may wish to do a 3.8km swim, 180 km bike, and a 10km run (or whatever the longest distance is). Maybe riding is your thing and you choose a 750m swim, a 90km bike, and a 5km run. The choice is in the hands of the athlete. To mix and match your Lot distances simply add your chosen event distance on each day.

Select to do ‘The Lot’ and you are in for one amazing experience. ‘The Lot’ refers to those athletes that take on the challenge of doing and completing the three longest distances on each of the three days at that location. ie. in some locations that might be a 3.8km swim on the Friday, a 180km bike on the Saturday, and a 42km run on the Sunday. In other locations that might mean a 3.8km swim on the Friday or Saturday, a 120km Bike on the Saturday afternoon and a 42.2km run on the Sunday. To enter ‘The Lot’ ie. all three longest distances select The Lot option.

18 Mar 2023
Bass Coast, Vic

2nd June
Port Stephens, NSW